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Bitcoin Best Investment Ever?

Check out the annual LOWest price of Bitcoin (BTC) over the last 8 years and the percent change. Holding Bitcoin turns out to be a great case study on how to create and preserve wealth. Obviously some people are way too focused on the highest price.

Year USD %change


Bitcoin: Some people are way too focused on the highest price.

2011 001
2012 004 +300%
2013 065 +1525%
2014 200 +207%
2015 185 -7.5%
2016 365 +97%
2017 780 +113%
2018 3200 +310%

I would love to know about any investment that had better performance over the same time period. Clearly, trading bitcoin could yield massive profits. Although, you may need a bitcoin revolution login to maximize the profits. These figures certainly qualify as supportive evidence for a good reason to HODL and keep some bitcoin in your portfolio. If the idea of this interests you, you might want to use a high speed trading bitcoin platform in order to do some trading of your own, as this could have some serious financial benefits for you. The option to convert your Bitcoin to paypal is now a possibility too. You may be able to convert and cash out your cryptocurrency when it suits you. It may also be be beneficial to hire an advisor for your new personal finance investment into cryptocurrencies to make sure that you have all the right information about Bitcoin. The company sijoitusrahastot advises on kryptovaluuttaan sijoittaminen (cryptocurrency investing) in order for the client to make the right decision for them. The more information and advisement you get the better investment returns you should receive.

Source (hat tip): Rhythm Trader @Rhythmtrader on twitter was first to bring some of this information to my attention.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational and entertainment purposes only- it is not financial advice or is in anyway intended to provide any financial recommendation.

“Green-Eco-EV News Reporting by Ken Burridge”

kenneth green burridge

Independent green journalist, EV of the Year Judge, photographer, author and sustainability activist that has published over 1000 articles. Mr Burridge’s travels have taken him to over 40 countries and 300+ major cities. He is originally from the USA, but has been residing in Australia for the last seven years. Connect to Ken Burridge on: Twitter, steemit, facebook, Google+, Linked in or website