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‘Ideas Worth Sharing’ Articles

Ideas Worth Sharing from: TED, friends & more

UFO Public Reporting Events Then and Now

UFO Public Reporting Events Then and Now

It is interesting to note what mainstream media is currently presenting on TV news etc compared to other less fearful information releases of Dr Greer’s Disclosure organization at National Press Club events over the last 22 years.   2001 National Press Club Event (Presented by Dr. Steven Greer) 2001 https://youtu.be/4DrcG7VGgQU   [Continue]

Vitamin D: Where You Live Matters

Vitamin D: Where You Live Matters

The amount of vitamin D you get naturally from the sun is directly related to the latitude of your local geographic area—the distance from the equator of the planet.  The farther away the more Vitamin D required from other sources food/supplements to maintain a healthy immune system.   Also the darker your skin (more melanin) [Continue]

120 Medical & Science Experts Call for Vitamin D to Fight Covid-19

120 Medical & Science Experts Call for Vitamin D to Fight Covid-19

120 Medical and Science Experts Call for the immediate, widespread, increase use of Vitamin D up to 4000 International Units (IU) per day. [Continue]

Elon Musk Not Quite as Smart as You Think?

Elon Musk Not Quite as Smart as You Think?

Personally I am very happy for the accomplishments of Elon Musk and what he has done to improve the potential future of the human race when it comes to Telsa and SpaceX in particular. However that being said perhaps his ego may have caused him to miss out several huge potential opportunities and more recently [Continue]

Positive News for Covid-19 Treatment

Positive News for Covid-19 Treatment

Positive Data News on Several Inexpensive Covid-19 Treatments Also Rapid & Affordable Testing For Covid-19 Now Developed — Finally Video (full 42minutes) with Dr Chris Martenson https://youtu.be/YMr_X63tUN0                               “Independent News [Continue]

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Extreme Bias in the News

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Extreme Bias in the News

This Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) bias is even infecting many of my favorite entertainment videos, which is very worrisome because that is what I use to mentally escape— anyway the majority of this HCQ bias is exponentially higher in the USA than the rest of the planet, likely due to Donald Trump saying he is taking HCQ (along [Continue]

Do NOT Buy the Dip Logic

Do NOT Buy the Dip Logic

US Bank and Hedge Fund Bailout via Repo Market Accelerates Starting Sept 17th 2019 the USA’s Federal Reserve had to print billions of dollars and inject them into the overnight bank lending market (Repo Market).  Since that time the FED has had to continuously print and add more money daily—that figure is now over 460 [Continue]

Increasing Stock Market Concerns

Increasing Stock Market Concerns

The Federal Reserve has been printing USD and buying 60 billion of US Treasury bills a month since last fall and the process continues with no set end in sight.  A side effect of all this printing is the debasement of all the other dollars that were printed previously. Since 2010 the rise in Fed’s [Continue]

Federal Reserve Turns on Another Money Faucet

Federal Reserve Turns on Another Money Faucet

Federal Reserve to start buying $60 billion of USA Treasury Bills per month at least through the second quarter of 2020. Some people would call this QE 4:  Quantitative easing:  is a fairly recent “unconventional” (not natural) monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities  or other securities with [Continue]

Federal Reserve USA Bank Bailout Begins

Federal Reserve USA Bank Bailout Begins

The big banks won’t lend to each because they don’t trust that they would get paid back even 24 hours later, so the Federal Reserve has had to start supplying daily cash up to 75 Billion (with a B) to keep the USA banks afloat. It looks like the financial system will require such extreme [Continue]

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