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‘Occupy Politics’ Articles

Occupy Politics Comments & Rants

Bank of England Director Validates Occupy Movement Actions

Bank of England Director Validates Occupy Movement Actions

According to the BBC and The Guardian, Andrew Haldane the Bank of England’s Executive Director for Financial Stability, during a speech given to Occupy Economics, an offshoot of the Occupy movement said “the Occupy Movement was correct in its attack on the international financial system.” and that “Occupy has been successful in [Continue]

FDRs Four Essential Freedoms Speech To the World

FDRs Four Essential Freedoms Speech To the World

Originally delivered during a time whilst Russia and Germany were already at war and the USA was still at peace. Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed Congress on January 6, 1941, with a visionary State of the Union speech, where he identified four universal and essential human freedoms. Too bad his words have been largely forgotten after [Continue]

US States Attack Corporate Personhood

US States Attack Corporate Personhood

Vermont joins a list of new states and towns that now echo one of the Occupy Movement’s mantras and attempt to make their state the first to end Corporate dominance of the US politics by calling for a constitutional amendment to reverse the Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United’ decision that has allowed for unlimited and secret [Continue]

Media Ignores Occupy Wall Street Protest Message

Media Ignores Occupy Wall Street Protest Message

“What do the protesters of Occupy Wall Street want?” asks a clueless mainstream media. Perhaps the Press should do their job and read their protest signs which explains their displeasure in the most simple and succinct manner possible. If that proves too difficult then perhaps they should just watch or read a transcript of their [Continue]

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