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‘Occupy Politics’ Articles

Occupy Politics Comments & Rants

Media Concentration Endangers Lives and Environment

Media Concentration Endangers Lives and Environment

Not Newsworthy 50,000 Gallons of Spilled Crude Oil? Ho-hum….another crude oil rail tanker derailed and this time it was in Lynchburg, Virginia. A portion of the cargo (highly toxic and explosive Bakken Crude from North Dakota) was spilled into the James River from a high tech rail tanker that was designed and approved in the [Continue]

Cowboys and Indians March on US Capital

Cowboys and Indians March on US Capital

Cowboys and Indians from the USA & Canada have joined together and formed an alliance to protest against construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The protesters rode into the capitol on horseback wearing native headdresses and cowboy hats and set up an tepee encampment at the National Mall. The Cowboy and Indian Alliance, core group [Continue]

News Media Needs Warning Labels?

News Media Needs Warning Labels?

Should some mainstream news media programs be required to display Warning labels or Warning Messages prior to and after broadcasts? Some might consider warning labels for news programs a draconian measure to protect public welfare, others might consider it a necessary evil especially since after 2003, when US courts made it official that FOX News [Continue]

Net Neutrality Fight–Corporations 1 People 0

Net Neutrality Fight–Corporations 1 People 0

US Court block Internet Free Speech law and cripples innovation by giving advantage to established businesses and services in the Verizon v FCC ruling. Bernie Sanders independent Senator from Vermont summed up the disappointment best: “I am very disappointed by the decision made by the D.C. Court of Appeals and fear that the result will [Continue]

State Smog Checks What They Don’t Test for Can Kill You

State Smog Checks What They Don’t Test for Can Kill You

City car exhaust can be worse than smoking two packs of cigarettes per day? Vehicle inspection was implemented in the USA at a State level via the Clean Air Act (1990). According to that Federal Law states are required to implement vehicle emissions inspection programs, known as I/M programs (for Inspection and Maintenance), in metropolitan [Continue]

The Thomas Jefferson Hour

The Thomas Jefferson Hour

What President Thomas Jefferson would be saying if he were alive today and was being broadcast over 300 radio stations. The Thomas Jefferson Hour is a weekly interview with President Thomas Jefferson the 3rd President of the United States. The weekly radio show is an educational and intellectual exercise, that can be quite entertaining and [Continue]

David Letterman Verses Forbes Magazine on Fracking

David Letterman Verses Forbes Magazine on Fracking

David Letterman shares what he knows about Fracking, which is obviously more than most people in the USA otherwise there would be even more protesting in the streets. An unofficial transcript of his comments about fracking which aired in April of 2013 Let’s talk about fracking. I’m not smart enough to understand it. Here’s what [Continue]

Australian Musicians More than Jazzed about Politics

Australian Musicians More than Jazzed about Politics

Amanda Kay recently released a new single titled “Bad Abbott”. The singer songwriter speaks volumes to many that aren’t happy with the current political situation in Australia.   Amanda’s music is a breath of fresh air compared to the bought and paid for political messages sponsored by big business and those wishing to [Continue]

Fracking Fluid Flood Threat in Colorado?

Fracking Fluid Flood Threat in Colorado?

Are Colorado flood waters contaminated with franking fluid? It’s probably reasonable to assume that it’s not a not a matter of if, but now rather a question of how much. The water damage caused by flash flooding in Colorado was bad enough, but that water undoubtedly transported hydrocarbon pollution and hydrofracking chemicals [Continue]

Bernie Sanders Explains Why‪ Americans Are Angry

Bernie Sanders Explains Why‪ Americans Are Angry

Bernie Saunders eloquently speaks about issues that need to become a larger part of the national political debate in an effort to make the world a better place. Some of the highlighted reasons: US taxpayers bailed out Wall Street from the global financial crisis, which the people did not cause, it is an unfair burden [Continue]

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