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Ken’s Cryptocurrency News 1-liners 005

Cryptocurrency News items worthy of attention:

Cryptocurrency News

* Rockefeller’s family venture firm Venrock investing in cryptocurrency projects via Coinfund. (Bitcoin.com)

* Chinese government fosters blockchain development with a Blockchain Industrial Park, Research Institute and 1.6B USD Investment Fund in Hangzhou. (cointelegraph.com)

* Monero (XMR): privacy coin forks into four different projects. (coinbureau.com)

* 17,000 Angry Indians file a petition against the central bank of India’s (RBI) crypto ban. (cointelegraph.com)

* Coinbase in Talks with SEC to become a Regulated Brokerage (wsj.com)

* Komodo (KMD) and Populous (PPT) partner (cryptocoinspy.com)

* Louis Vuitton luxury goods company partners with Vechain (VEN) (Twitter@LVMH)

* Arizona blockchain bill becomes law allowing corporations to submit records on a blockchain. (finance.yahoo.com)

* Polish government taxes cryptocurrency 1% on all trades in addition to income taxes and other taxes turning Poland’s cryptocurrency traders into hodlers? (bloombergquint.com)

* Jack Dorsey (Twitter & Square co-founder) invests millions in Lightning Lab’s faster blockchain transaction technology. (techcrunch.com)

* Gemini Exchange launches over-the-counter (OTC) Block Trading. (ccn.com)

* Liechtenstein embraces Blockchain & seeks to avoid “excessive” Regulation. (coindesk.com)

* Australian digital currency exchanges are now required to register online with the Australian government. (austrac.gov.au)

To learn more about these topics just cut and paste into your favorite search engine. FYI: I use the Brave browser (brave.com) and search engine DuckDuckGo.com for best speed and privacy.


Green-Eco-EV News Reporting by Ken Green Burridge

kenneth green burridge Kenneth Burridge test-drives electric Nissan LEAF in Melbourne Australia

Independent green journalist, EV of the Year Judge, photographer, author and sustainability activist that has published over 1000 articles. Mr Burridge’s travels have taken him to over 40 countries and 300+ major cities. He is originally from the USA, but has been residing in Australia for the last seven years. Connect to Ken Burridge on: Twitter, steemitfacebook, Google+Linked in or website

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