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‘Ideas Worth Sharing’ Articles

Ideas Worth Sharing from: TED, friends & more

Elon Musk TED Talk about Tesla-SolarCity-SpaceX

Elon Musk TED Talk about Tesla-SolarCity-SpaceX

Elon Musk talks about Tesla Motors, SolarCity and SpaceX. His ideas and companies break up monopolistic industries and offer hope of improvement in the lives of all humanity. Sadly his efforts are being hindered by politicians that have banned the sale of Tesla electric cars in many states in the USA. In addition, there are [Continue]

Myers-Briggs ENTJ, INFJ etc it is a Great Tool!

Myers-Briggs ENTJ, INFJ etc it is a Great Tool!

I don’t want you to think I’m a major freak about this personality test stuff. However, I am fairly familiar with the Myers-Briggs test (which is mostly used for job placement by fortune 500 companies), as I’ve given it to about 200+ people over the years (friends, friends of friends and family) the results have been [Continue]

Thorium The World’s Energy Underdog?

Thorium The World’s Energy Underdog?

Can Thorium Energy Fight Climate Change & Solve the World’s Energy Needs Simultaneously? The short and the long answer is YES. Not only is switching to Thorium (See TH #90 on Periodic Table of Elements and Chemistry) power greener, cheaper and an over-all better idea for humanity than using fossil fuels and solid fuel nuclear [Continue]

Democracy Now Controlled by Media Concentration

Democracy Now Controlled by Media Concentration

A huge threat to democracy and why we currently live in a media landscape controlled only by a few Corporate owned voices. This is a quote from a transcript (December 7, 2012) of Bernie Sanders talking with Bill Moyers about why Big Media is too big already and doesn’t need to get any bigger, which is [Continue]

A Call for Internet Freedom

A Call for Internet Freedom

The internet needs to serve not enslave citizens. As I type this governments and corporations are not only monitoring but also censoring freedom of speech, the free flow of information, and blocking with whom you can connect. The reasons for this are many and varied, but most are excuses that in the end maintain power [Continue]

Solar Impulse Flys in San Francisco

Solar Impulse Flys in San Francisco

Fossil-Fuel Free Airplane Test Flown in California The Solar Impulse a 100% Solar-powered aircraft demonstrates the potential of solar energy in the USA with a San Francisco Test Flight. The Solar Impulse a manned aircraft powered only by energy from the sun in a prelude to a multiple city cross-country tour of the USA made [Continue]

Fuji Makes Greener Alkaline Batteries

Fuji Makes Greener Alkaline Batteries

There really are not too many products or applications that have standard battery (AAA, AA, C, and D) form factors that require only alkaline batteries that can not be replaced with rechargeable Nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) or Lithium Ion (Li-ion) batteries. The greener idea here is to stop throwing acid batteries into the trash that end [Continue]

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