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NASA Debunks Mayan Calendar End of World Prophecy?

Mayan Calendar Joke: NASA opts for an early release of an end of world Mayan Calendar video prior to the date specified as the end of the world by the Mayans (12-22-2002) because they knew they couldn’t be able to do so afterwards!

NASA-Mayan-Calendar-JokeIn theory NASA created and released this science video in an attempt to calm those that fear an end of the world doomsday scenario, which some believe will happen on the last date of the Mayan Calendar December 22, 2012.

The video was originally produced and dated to be released the day after the
end of the Mayan Calendar.

NASA’s Mayan Calendar video entitled “ScienceCasts: Why the World Didn’t End Yesterday” covers: larger than normal solar flares, rogue planets and other assorted calamities.

Watch the NASA Mayan Calendar video


Green-Eco-EV News Reporting by Ken Green Burridge

kenneth green burridge

Kenneth Burridge test-drives electric Nissan LEAF in Melbourne Australia

EV of the Year Judge, independent green journalist, photographer, author and sustainability activist that has published over 1000 articles. Mr Burridge’s travels have taken him to over 30 countries and 300+ major cities. He is originally from the USA, but has been residing in Australia for the last seven years. Connect to Ken Burridge on: Twitter, facebook, Google+Linked in or website