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‘Occupy Politics’ Articles

Occupy Politics Comments & Rants

Bernie Wants to Know

Bernie Wants to Know

It is always nice when a politician asks for your opinion. I just received an email containing a poll of what political issues were most important to me within Bernie Sander’s campaign platform. Of course I don’t know if my concerns will be acted upon, and this email from Bernie’s campaign might be just a [Continue]

World’s Most Happy Countries 2019

World’s Most Happy Countries 2019

#1 Finland, #2 Denmark, #3 Norway, #4 Iceland and #5 Netherlands take top honors in this year’s Gallup poll. Those traveling in Nordic countries or driving in iceland may well see this happiness in these societies firsthand. The poll uses a three-year rolling average based on six major factors: GDP per capita; social support; life [Continue]

Syria and Pipeline Politics

Syria and Pipeline Politics

Current conflicts in Syria seem to stem from a need to get fossil fuels from sources in the Middle East to where they are needed in Europe. Iraq wants to build their own pipeline across Syria to Turkey and from there to Europe. Saudi Arabia also wants to possibly build a pipeline either through: (1) [Continue]

Brad Sherman is an Anti-Bitcoin Congressman?

Brad Sherman is an Anti-Bitcoin Congressman?

A better Question is WHY is Rep. Brad Sherman Anti-Bitcoin or anti-Blockchain? Brad Sherman (D-CA) is on record as saying at a US House Financial Services subcommittee during an overview of the cryptocurrency landscape: “Cryptocurrencies are a crock” “They allow a few dozen men in my district to sit in their pajamas all day and [Continue]

USA Tariffs Historically Have Consequences

USA Tariffs Historically Have Consequences

Consequences of USA Imposed Tariffs Value of USA Stocks & Bonds DROP as well as the value of the USD. Most Tariffs cause complaints to be lodged with the World Trade Organization (WTO), which has a habit of declaring such Tariffs as illegal, that in turn clears the way for other nations to impose sanctions [Continue]

Bernie Sanders Explains How Democrats Can Win Elections

Bernie Sanders Explains How Democrats Can Win Elections

Bernie Sanders points out that there is a lesson to learn from the most recent election in the UK—that Jeremy Corbyn was able to win despite all the negative media coverage, by inspiring younger voters to come out and vote. Jeremy Corbyn’s message during the snap election emulated many of Bernie Sanders talking points, and [Continue]

Plug-in Exposes Possible Corruption in Politics

Plug-in Exposes Possible Corruption in Politics

There is a free App that helps to answer the question:  Who is trying to buy USA politicians? The Greenhouse App/Plug-in is compatible with Google Chrome, Safari and FireFox and is free of charge. The App allows users to hover over the names of politicians on most any webpage and have instant access to a [Continue]

Bernie Bashers What is Their Beef?

Bernie Bashers What is Their Beef?

Ever wonder why Bernie Sanders keeps getting attacked by the Democrats and why he was not treated fairly when running against Hillary Clinton? I can see why the Republicans attack him for being more of a socialist and wrongly even call him a Communist, because they really don’t know there is a significant difference. What [Continue]

Trump is No Jimmy Carter

Trump is No Jimmy Carter

Four years of peace (the USA not dropping bombs or launching missiles), when was the last time that happened? Carter lowered spending and reduced annual deficit. Championed human rights and began the USA’s path to energy independence (He even put solar panels on the White House). Oh yea and he helped negotiate the First peace [Continue]

What Politicians Do During and After Their Terms—Matters

What Politicians Do During and After Their Terms—Matters

Revolving Door Government Corruption Comments Some classic quotes: “With great power comes great responsibility.” also “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.” Also related ” Just because it isn’t illegal or because other people do it doesn’t mean it’s OK”. There are [Continue]

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